Thursday, June 27, 2013

recently sold property medway st

 Property just sold in Northeast Philadelphia.

Great location in Northeast Philadelphia close to shopping, public transit

schools, places of worship, and the great part is wonderful neighbors with pride of ownership. 

May the current owner make many wonderful memories.

See what your home may be worth at


Wednesday, June 19, 2013

(VIDEO) Four Easy Ways to Save for Your Next Home Purchase

These four easy money saving ideas will help you in the process of purchasing your next home. Yes you will need some self discipline, however, these very small life changing challenges should help do the trick.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Courage Seems to be Rare These Days?

Courage seems to be something that seems rather rare these days. Yup I’ve had my fair share of charging forward with the call of “Follow Me!!!!” back in my 11 Bang Bang days. Was that courage? More like following orders. What about the courage of the Police Officer or Fireman / woman charging forward to the call of duty. How about the courage of facing the spouse (mainly us men doing something stupid and the wife laying into us)…..????? Yes these are all forms of courage, and what elevates one higher than the other? They are all relative in a sense.
Cour-age (verb) :mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty.
How often do agents have a tendency to do the opposite? Is it
courageous to let a prospective client know they want too much for the home they want to sell? Or does the agent take the listing anyway? How about trying to hold on for the deal to “hopefully” get to the table, instead of being honest and letting it go? Hmmmm…what about getting beat down by certain clients, and allowing it to happen? What about holding down the fort knowing that certain prospecting habits will yield great rewards later, but the work is needed now?
I am sure we can all think, know, feel, and have been in situations that courage was needed to stay strong and persevere. Not everyone has had the opportunities to run into battle, or face life and death situations, however; we have all had the opportunities to stand and show that we have courage.
How have you shown courage lately?